CHOICE Advisor is a flexible, low-cost advisor-directed account which allows virtually unlimited flexibility to independently select the appropriate mix of investments. Approved investment strategies include:
- No-load Mutual Funds
- Stocks
- Exchange Traded Funds
- Bonds
- Alternative Investments
- Options
Client accounts are opened through one of our approved clearing firms. When choosing the fee structure the advisor has several flexible options. CHOICE Advisor accounts have the following features:
- Discretionary and Non-Discretionary trading
- Asset Based or Transaction Based pricing
- $50,000 minimum account size
- On a case-by-case basis, household accounts may be grouped to meet the $50,000 minimum
- Clients receive quarterly statements from the custodian and have the capability to receive performance reports from Kovack Advisors.
We currently have clearing agreements with National Financial Services, Pershing, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc and Fidelity Clearing and Custody Solutions (formerly known as IWS).
Copyright ©2017 Kovack Advisors, Inc.,
6451 North Federal Highway, Suite 1201
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Call us at (954) 670-0617
Check the background on this investment firm at the SEC's Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website.